Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but I'm grateful to Stephenie Meyer for her dream/vision. Please don't steal my original work."For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." ~ Ephesians 5:30-31EPOVIt was finally here – my wedding day! It had to be more agreeable than last evening after I'd left my fiancĂ©e at the boarding house. Dad had asked for my help in caring for the horses for the night. He also wanted to school me on the "birds and the bees" in relation to women. After the rudimentary discussion, he wanted to delve into the finer arts of keeping a wife happy. I'm certain I was blushing as bright red as Bella did at times and I was grateful there was often a horse between Dad and me to hide my face.
I had received permission from Rachel to cut down a lot of her lilacs for our wedding since I'm a sentimental fool like that. That was my first stop of the day right after breakfast. Mom was going with me so she could arrange them afterward at the boarding house as it was closer to the church than our house. Since tradition was I wasn't allowed to see my bride before the wedding, I asked Mom to give one blossom to Bella along with a note I'd written:
To my beautiful bride, Bella. On your first day here, I gave you one of these lilacs and now I'm giving you another one on our wedding day. Rachel has agreed to give us a cutting of this bush so we can nurture it at our new home. I will love you always. Your incorrigible fiancé, Edward.After going home and cleaning up, I went to the barber shop for a proper shave. After that, I was at loose ends until our eleven o'clock nuptials. I'd already packed and loaded all my worldly goods as well as Gran's crates onto a wagon set for moving tomorrow. I hadn't been allowed to see Bella, so her things still needed loading, which we would do tomorrow along with any foodstuffs we'd need for the next month or so. Washoe Valley was approximately ten miles from the center of Carson City, which would be the closest town to us. We wouldn't have the convenience of being in the same town as a general store. That's when I saw Judge Swan coming down the boardwalk toward me.
"Sheriff!" he called to me in greeting.
"Good morning, Judge Swan," I answered, "Although you know I'm no longer the sheriff. That distinction has been given to Mike Newton."
"No matter," he waved off my explanation. "Let's go have a drink."
"Judge Swan, I don't drink," I replied honestly.
He said, "Well, you can have a sarsaparilla then and I'll have a drink." Then he led me toward the swinging doors of the Delta Saloon.
We sat down at a table. He ordered himself a whiskey and me a sarsaparilla. I wondered what was on his mind. I didn't have to wonder long as he began talking as soon as our drinks arrived.
"Edward? Do you mind if I call you Edward?" he started.
"Not at all, sir," I replied.
He took a sip of his drink and said, "I realize I never thanked you properly for saving my little girl from the harm that might have come to her. If you hadn't arrived when you did, it's anyone's guess what could've happened."
I swallowed deeply, but said nothing. I thought the same.
Judge Swan continued, "I just want her to be safe, Edward. Assure me you'll protect her with everything you have. She'll always be my little girl."
"Judge Swan, I will protect Bella with everything I have. She is the most important person in the world to me. I love her more than anyone or anything. And now that your mother will be living with us, I will protect her as well – with everything I have," I said emphatically.
He grunted at that, but gave no hint of disagreement. His mustache finally twitched into a smile and he said, "Edward, that's all I can ask for. Thank you for taking care of them for me. I know you'll do right by them. Don't say I didn't warn you if you find both of them a handful!" He stuck out his hand to shake mine. "And call me Charlie."
"Will do…Charlie. I look forward to getting to know both of those two amazing women better. I'm certain nothing about my life will be dull with them around," I said.
"Definitely not!" he affirmed as he drained his glass. I had barely touched my sarsaparilla, but he gripped my shoulder and said, "It looks like it's about time to get into our wedding duds. I'll see you at the church, Edward."
I bid him goodbye and then headed home. I was wearing my normal Sunday best. I knew Gran had Angela make Bella a special wedding dress. I'd been forbidden to see it in advance – some other wedding tradition. There sure were a lot of wedding traditions which involved the groom being in the dark! At least I knew the rings we'd chosen for each other had been simple gold bands we'd picked out in the jewelry section of the general store earlier in the week.
I rode in the family wagon to the church. Dad thought it would be best to take it so they wouldn't have to carry the wedding gifts home afterward. Ali carried a small basket of lilac petals. She was excited about her assignment for the day. She met up with Rosalie at the church and they began planning how they would toss the petals down the aisle gracefully. It was sweet to watch her take Rosalie under her wing and guide her.
Mom and Rachel had decorated the church with all those lilacs I'd cut down. Even more lilacs were set up on the tables outside for the potluck lunch reception after our wedding.
I stood near the front of the church with Dad and Pastor Webber. Dad said to me quietly, "Are you going to daydream through this wedding as well, son?"
Apparently he'd caught me lost in thought during the Cheney's wedding! I replied, "It's only because I was thinking about marrying Bella then, Dad!" He just grinned and I grinned back. I was glad my dad was my best man. There was no better man in my book.
The last remaining guests hurried to their seats. Jasper escorted Bella's mother, Renee, to her place in the pew at the front of the church. Suddenly, I was nervous. I wasn't nervous about marrying Bella. I was one hundred percent sure about that. I was nervous about becoming a husband – wanting to do everything right the first time, always wanting to make her proud of me, never wanting to hurt her, running all those things my dad had said last night through my head. I had to get my thoughts out of my own head and think about my lovely bride – if I thought about her, I would be all right.
The wedding march on the organ had begun with Emmett marching up the aisle, carrying our rings tied securely with ribbon on a small purple quilted heart-shaped pillow. Alice and Rosalie followed him, scattering lilac petals artfully. The church was fragrant with the smell of lilacs. Was it too much?
Keep your thoughts on Bella! I could hardly wait to see her!
Next up the aisle was Gran in a simple deep plum dress. She was carrying a small bouquet of lilacs. She looked very composed and sure of herself. She reached the front of the church and winked at me. I blushed immediately. Thank the Lord the congregation was now standing up and turning around to look at the beautiful bride and her father entering the church.
As soon as I caught sight of the beautiful vision dressed in white, I couldn't look away. Bella's wedding gown was full with a waistline that accentuated her hourglass figure. The sleeves were long and puffed. She wore a simple veil over her face that seemed to end at her waist in the back. It was like Charlie was escorting a beautiful white angel down the aisle toward me. Angela had outdone herself!
When Bella got closer, I noticed she was wearing the hair combs I'd given her for Christmas to secure her veil to her hair. My heart swelled at the thought. I had the special handkerchief she'd monogrammed for me in green in my pocket, but she'd never know. My thoughts were going in a million different directions until I noticed Charlie and Bella had stopped in front of me.
Pastor Webber touched me lightly and briefly on the shoulder and spoke, "Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people. The union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in property and adversity; and, when it is God's will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God. Into this holy union Edward Anthony Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully be married, speak now; or else forever hold your peace."
Pastor Webber waited a beat, and then continued, looking between Bella and me, "I require and charge you both here in the presence of God, that if either of you know any reason why you may not be united in marriage lawfully, and in accordance with God's Word, you do now confess it."
He waited another beat, and finding there was nothing to confess from either of us, he asked, "Who gives this woman to be wedded to this man?"
Charlie spoke up, "I do, sir." Then he removed Bella's hand from his arm, drew Bella's veil back from her face and kissed her cheek. She gave him a smile and then she moved forward to place her hand on my arm. She gave me another brighter smile. I grinned back and then faced Pastor Webber again.
He read to us from the Bible in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 about the fact if we don't have love, we have nothing. I'd read that passage before, but I thought I'd mark it down later so I could read it again in regard to Bella.
It was time for our vows. I repeated after the pastor as I looked into Bella's beautiful eyes, "I, Edward, take you, Bella, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to honor and to cherish unconditionally. Forsaking all others, I will be faithful to you. And with this ring, I thee wed." Then I slipped her gold band on her ring finger.
Then it was Bella's turn. She looked up at me as she spoke, "I, Isabella, take you, Edward, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, or for worse, for richer, or for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to honor and to cherish unconditionally. Forsaking all others, I will be faithful to you. And with this ring, I thee wed." Suddenly, my gold band was on my ring finger, placed there by my lovely bride. It looked strange and wonderful all at the same time. I didn't know whether to look at it or Bella. I finally gave up and grasped Bella's hand and couldn't stop smiling.
Pastor Webber spoke again, "Because Edward and Isabella have desired each other in marriage, and have witnessed this before God and our gathering, affirming their acceptance of the responsibilities of such a union, and have pledged their love and faith to each other, sealing their vows in the giving and receiving of rings, I do proclaim that they are husband and wife in the sight of God and man. Let all people here and everywhere recognize and respect this holy union, now and forever."
Then he said, "Let us pray. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Amen."
Finally, Pastor Webber announced the words I'd been longing to hear, "Edward, you may now kiss your bride." My hands were on Bella's waist and I bent down to press my lips to hers fully to taste them for the very first time. Now this was definitely worth waiting for! Such sweetness, innocence and promise were there – waiting just for me. I gave her another quick kiss and then we turned around to face the congregation.
The pastor said, "It is now my privilege to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen." Oh, that sounded good to my ears as we then listened to the applause of the celebrants.
We then led the recessional out of the church to the area set up outside for our potluck reception lunch. Before too many people made it outside, I gathered her up in my arms to kiss her again.
"Edward!" she exclaimed when I let her up for some air, "People are going to stare!"
"Mmm," I replied, "let them. I now have permission to do this as often as I want."
She laughed and said, "Well, I can see a wedding didn't make you any less incorrigible."
"No, love. In fact, just wait until tonight," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.
She swatted at my arm, but now people were streaming out of the church to attend our reception and congratulate us.
There were all types of food the women had made and it was excellent! I was enjoying myself thoroughly and also sitting as close to Bella as two chairs could possibly get. I loved the fact I was able to put my arm around her shoulders or her waist and draw her to me or kiss her on the cheek or lips and no one could say anything about it – except Bella, of course. She would just smile at me and sometimes blush.
After we cut the beautifully-decorated wedding cake Rachel made us and took the ceremonial first bite, Pastor Webber had us sign the marriage license, and then we were free to open gifts. People were very generous. In addition to helping us put a large payment on our house, my parents also gave Bella my mom's horse, Butterscotch. Rachel and the quilting circle gave us the double wedding ring quilt they'd recently finished. I saw they'd included pieces of Bella's blue sapphire satin dress and pieces of an old checked work shirt of mine. I thought it was nice they'd included pieces of both our histories in the quilt for us to go forward into our future together. Other people provided dishes, kitchen towels, bedding, and various other household items we would need.
Charlie had slipped me a leather pouch full of money. I was not going to insult him by counting it then. He told me it was for taking care of his little girl and his mother. I wanted to object and say I didn't need anything for doing that – I would do it because I wanted to and my heart told me it was right. He said, "Please, Edward. It's my wedding gift to the both of you. Use it for your ranch then. Make my little girl happy." I could certainly endeavor to do that!
All our wedding gifts were being safely stored on my parents' wagon. It was time for Bella and me to make our way down the main street to the International Hotel. I had secured a honeymoon suite there – one of their best. I carried our bags – a small carpetbag for each of us containing whatever we'd need for the night and clothes for tomorrow.
People who hadn't attended our wedding shouted their congratulations to us across the street as we walked along hand-in-hand. I kept raising the back of her hand up to my mouth to kiss it, which just earned me numerous giggles from Bella.
We arrived at the opulent hotel and we went right up to the registration desk. The man behind the desk said, "Ah, Sheriff Cullen and Mrs. Cullen! Good to see you and congratulations to you both! Here is the key to your room. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask any member of our staff."
I led Bella over to the "rising room" and the attendant guided the contraption up to the third floor. We marveled at how such a thing could exist in modern times! It was easier than climbing the stairs.
Outside our room, I fit the key in the lock and then swung the door open. Bella made a move to go into the room, but I held tightly on her hand. "No, love, I want to carry you over the threshold," I said.
"Oh, you!" she said. "Trying to be a romantic, I see."
"Of course, it is our wedding day, after all!" I responded, as I scooped her up in my arms and carried her through the doorway.
I kicked the door shut with my foot while she was still in my arms and kissed her deeply. She returned my kiss and even welcomed it. "Oh Bella," I said, "I will never get enough of kissing you."
"Hmm," she responded, "you probably should put me down then so you have the strength to continue."
"Oh," I questioned, "now who's being incorrigible?"
She tried her best to look innocent, but she wasn't fooling me. I strode over to the brass bed which was polished to a high shine and laid her carefully on it, caging her in with my arms.
"Edward," she warned.
"What, love?" I asked.
"It's the middle of the day!"
I looked up, barely noticing. I supposed it was. I went over to the windows and pulled down the blinds and shut the curtains over them. That darkened the room considerably. I looked back over at Bella. She had propped herself up on her elbows and was watching me.
"See, love? It's much darker now," I said. Even though it was darker in the room, I could still see the blush that was evident on her beautiful face. I then continued, "I'm going to go into this dressing room off the main room and you can go behind the screen to change. When you're ready for me to come back out, let me know."
She looked at me warily but nodded.
I moved into the dressing room for about ten minutes – which felt like an eternity – and finally Bella called to me that she was ready.
I came out to find Bella in the bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. I removed my suit jacket and placed it over the back of a chair. I removed my shoes and socks next. Then I began to unbutton my white shirt. I looked over at Bella and she was still watching me. I felt as if I shouldn't make any sudden movements – she may bolt from the room at any moment.
I removed my trousers next and was only wearing my union suit. Bella had completely turned her face away from me and a deep red blush colored her cheeks. "Love," I said gently, "look at me." She did turn her eyes toward mine, but only looked me directly in the eye.
I moved cautiously toward the bed and slipped in beside her. Her eyes never left my face. I gently stroked her cheek. "Bella, I will take care of you and never hurt you. You know that, don't you?"
"Yes, but I'm scared," she fairly wailed.
"Oh, love," I said as I pulled her fully against me, "I am, too. But you know what? We'll learn together. I love you so much, Bella."
"I love you, too, Edward," she mumbled from where her face was nestled between my neck and my shoulder.
Since her neck was at the perfect angle for my mouth, I kissed it gently, sliding my tongue out to gently lick down the length of it. Bella gasped. She turned her face toward mine and I kissed her fully on the mouth and then drew back slightly.
Bella arched her neck up so her lips could meet and deepen my kiss. I smiled against her mouth. It was finally time. My hand slid over her nightgown and then my fingers began untying the satin ribbons holding it together.