Sunday, February 14, 2010

Seattle General - Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but I'm grateful to Stephenie Meyer for her dream. Please don't steal my original work.


Our dinner at the Space Needle was exquisite! The view was breathtaking. Edward wanted to insist on champagne to celebrate, but Alice and Jasper both exclaimed a quick, “No!” to that. We looked at them questioningly.

Jasper took Alice’s hand in his as Alice said, “We just found out we’re two months pregnant and we’re so excited!” This definitely was a night to celebrate! We waved off the waiter offering champagne and we all got something non-alcoholic to drink. Not that any of us needed anything with alcohol – we were driving and we all needed to get the people we cared about and loved back home safely.

Alice assured us that just because she was pregnant, that would not put a damper on her planning our wedding. She just didn’t want us to wait too long as she didn’t want to be as big as a house in her matron of honor dress. I told her we wouldn’t do that to her, grabbing Edward’s hand, as he brought my hand to his mouth to kiss it. I kept staring down at my ring – watching it glitter in the candlelight and soft lights of the restaurant. I couldn’t believe I was finally engaged to the man of my dreams.

All too soon, dinner was over and we were saying good night to the Whitlock’s. We transferred presents between cars. I gave Alice a little secret squeeze for helping me out with Edward’s surprise gift of his scrapbooks. As soon as Edward had us pointed down the road in the direction of my apartment, he was almost bouncing in his seat. “One present, right, baby?”

I just giggled. “Yes…one! Although, you’ve already gave me the best gift ever, so I think I should just watch you.”

He reached for my hand and said, “Please, baby? I really want you to open a gift from me tonight, too.” I agreed and wondered what it would be like when Edward and I had children. Christmas would definitely be a free-for-all at our home. I would be the only hope for maintaining any sense of order.

We got home, shed our coats, turned on the Christmas music, lit the Christmas tree and assorted candles I had sitting around so it was fairly bright in the room – definitely a romantic feel. Edward brought a box I hadn’t seen before over to the couch where we were sitting, as I already had his gift waiting for him.

I said, “Well, darling Edward, since you wanted to open one gift, I decided to be kind of traditional with this gift,” and handed him his box. He gave me a kiss and then tore into it.

When he opened the shirt box and all the tissue paper inside, he pulled out a pair of silky boxers that looked like something Santa would wear. Hey – I’m a girl who likes her own personal sexy Santa – and who better than Edward to be that? There was a Santa hat included. He was laughing. “Baby, this is great!” Then he wiggled his eyebrows at me and said, “Did you want me to be your Santa and sit on my lap?” And then there it was – that damn crooked grin. And you people think Edward can’t read my mind!

I smiled back at him and said, “I do!” He scooped me up in his arms and gave me another lingering kiss as he settled me onto his lap.

“OK,” he said, “your turn. I’m traditional, too.”

“And, I’m betting you didn’t wrap this,” I looked at him.

“Nope,” he said, rubbing my back. “I had Alice do it. Everything else I got you is in a gift bag, but I wanted this one to be different.”

I opened my shirt box that was about the same size as the one I gave Edward. Once the paper was torn away, there was the unmistakable pink striped box. It was from Victoria’s Secret. “Um, Edward, you said you went traditional.”

“Yes,” he said, looking at me in all seriousness, “jammies!”

“Jammies, my ass,” I groused.

“Mmmm,” he hummed, “I bet your ass will look mighty fine in these jammies! Open the box, baby!”

Might I just say I knew these weren’t going to be “family-friendly jammies” in any way, shape or form. As I removed the lid, I stared in shock as I moved the pink tissue paper away. I held up the entirely sheer deep red halter baby doll with matching v-string. I said, “Are you kidding me, Edward?”

He nuzzled my neck and breathed, “No. Please, baby, go put it on. I want to see how you look in it.” I rolled my eyes, but reluctantly got up from his lap and went into the bedroom to get undressed. I tried to think about how sexy Edward made me feel – which he did, every single day – and hoped that my face didn’t burst into flames to match the color of the baby doll once I was looking at him.

When I opened the bedroom door to come back out into the living room, I saw that Edward had removed his clothes as well and was only in the silky Santa boxers I had given him. He was standing beside the couch, waiting for me. “Oh baby,” he said gently, “you are so gorgeous. Please let me look at you.” I stopped trying in vain to cover myself up so Edward could look at me as I kept my eyes on his. He held out his hand to me. “Come here, love.”

He held me to his chest beside the couch and said, “The future Mrs. Masen will always be this beautiful to me.” Then he reached his hand up to cradle my face as he kissed me. His hand immediately went into my hair as mine went around his waist. I loved holding him close to me. “Come straddle my lap, baby,” he directed me as we situated ourselves on the couch.

“I’m glad you said you’d marry me, love,” he said as he nuzzled my neck again, “as there’s no one I will ever love more than you.” His hands were all over me then and I couldn’t stop my moans of pleasure.

“I love you, Edward,” I gasped out as he hit all the right spots with his talented fingers. Then he added his mouth and tongue and I was in a state of total bliss. My hot center was rotating on his hard cock by now. These v-string panties left nothing to the imagination. “I want you,” I said in between several of his mind-blowing kisses.

“As I want you, love,” he groaned. Edward lifted us both up as he pulled those silky boxers down so they were around his ankles and then he lowered me back onto his very erect cock, as I pushed the useless v-string to the side. “Ohhhh,” he sighed with pleasure as he felt all of himself inside me.

“Darling Dr. Masen,” I whispered in his ear, “I don’t want these panties to come between us. Please get rid of them.” I sucked on his earlobe as I heard the stitching of the fabric give way as he ripped those panties from my body and threw them across the room.

“Isabella, you have such excellent ideas,” he growled into the hollow of my throat, as then his mouth dipped lower and he caught one of my nipples in his mouth and sucked on it. My other nipple was between his fingers, being tugged on. “Baby, ride me,” he whispered out. I could do nothing else as this position was an incredible turn-on for both of us. My orgasm came upon me quickly and I felt Edward tense as he spilled inside me soon afterward.

I didn’t ever want to leave our cozy position on the couch, but I knew Edward’s legs would fall asleep eventually with me sitting on them. I crawled off him, tugged him up, we blew out the candles and then went to bed. Thankfully, he didn’t ask me to wear anything to bed. I think we both liked being naked in bed. I know I loved feeling all of Edward sleeping next to me – and being curled up next to him as we drifted off to sleep was the best thing ever.


There’s nothing I like better than Christmas morning! And Christmas morning with Bella – a thousand percent better! I wasn’t going to pester her for sex this morning. She gave me such an amazing time last night and besides, we had presents to open! Now I just had to get my beautiful angel to wake up. Hmm…how to do that? She already had her head nestled on my chest in the crook of my arm.

Maybe I’ll try singing. I tried a couple of lines of “All I Want for Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. She didn’t stir. I was thinking our engagement song would get some kind of reaction from her. Guess I’d have to try a little harder. I whispered down into her hair, “Mrs. beautiful Bella Masen, your handsome husband would like you to get up so we can open presents on this fine Christmas morning.” We weren’t married yet, but soon!

“I heard you when you were singing, Edward darling. And you think you’re handsome, do you? Maybe I was just enjoying being in bed with you,” Bella said sleepily.

I put out my lip to pout a bit, “You don’t think I’m handsome?”

She reached her hand up and ran it through my chest hair and then up through the wild hair on the top of my head. “Of course I do. You’re handsome, totally adorable and I love you.”

“I love you, baby,” I replied as I started bouncing the bed a little. “So please can we get up and open presents?”

“Yes, dear.” Uh oh, the “yes, dear.” Was I in trouble? Bella smiled at me as she gave me a kiss, so I didn’t think I was. She got up to get dressed in sweats and I did the same. I tried to do something with my hair so I didn’t look like I had been in a fight with a hand mixer in the middle of the night.

Bella had made some one-dish thing for breakfast that just needed to go in the oven for about 45 minutes to cook, so she took care of that while I plugged in the Christmas tree lights and turned on the Christmas music.

I hoped Bella liked what I got her. I watched as she opened everything. I got her a rainbow of different panties from Victoria’s Secret (hey – I’m a guy – they’re gifts for me, too!), some sex shoes I saw on an actress who actually looked a lot like Bella in a magazine that I knew she’d look fabulous in and a gift certificate for the scrapbook store. She was thrilled and was in my lap, kissing me with abandon! She didn’t know about the other gift at Carlisle’s house of the song I wrote for her.

Bella came to sit beside me again and she immediately began chewing on her lip. I knew that meant she was nervous. “Baby,” I said, “what’s wrong?”

“I just hope you like what I got you.”

“If it’s from you, there’s no doubt I’ll love it,” I assured her.

As I opened my gifts, I loved every single one. She felt she had to explain every single one. She got me a stuffed Scooby Doo – since I loved him as a character and now Flippy wouldn’t be lonely if either of us got sick. We are nuts to think the stuffed animals would get lonely! She got me a green sweater – since she liked the color with my eyes. She got me a Seattle Seahawks jersey with “Masen” on the back and the number “17” on it since I’d told her before I liked that number for some reason. Then when I got to the largest gift, she really started chewing on her lip.

“Baby,” I assured her again, “it will be great!” And I kissed her. “Do you want to help me open it?” She shook her head “no” and just kept watching me.

I opened the box and inside were two large leather-bound scrapbooks. I pulled them out and put the box on the floor. I opened up the one on top and was surprised to see photos of my parents together at their wedding and my mother when she was pregnant with me. The photos continued through to photos of me as a baby, then as a toddler, then to my teen years. The other book continued with my teen years into my grown years, along with many photos of my parents along the way. My jaw had dropped to the floor. Bella had found the box of photographs I had brought from England and had preserved them into these beautiful scrapbooks for me – for us.

I was amazed at the time, thought and love she had put into this very special gift for me. She had copied every caption my mother had written on the back of each photo and had placed it under the corresponding photo. It truly was a labor of love. I couldn’t hold back my tears. You already knew I was a sap – we already established that.

Bella squeaked out quietly, “You don’t like it?”

I responded when I could finally get a bit of a grip on myself and took her into my arms, “Oh my god, baby. I love it! This is the most special thing anyone has ever done for me. You don’t know how much I love it and I love you. God, I love you so much!”

Bella joined me in my tears then and said, “I just hoped I could do something special for you.”

“Bella, this is so very special! I just can’t even believe it. One day, I was going to drag out a picture of my growing-up years and show it to you. But you went over and above and took care of me in such a special way. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

She looked in my eyes and said, “Just that you love me is enough.”

I took her hands in mine and said, “Baby, I do – more than you will ever know.”

Just then, the timer rang on our breakfast, so we dug into that. After breakfast, we opened the rest of our gifts from other people. Then it was time to get ready to go to the Cullen home. Bella dressed in a nice red dress and I dressed in a black suit with a white button-down shirt and a red tie. We got some food from the refrigerator she had fixed previously to take with us and we were on our way.

Some extended relatives of Carlisle and Esme’s rounded out the group at their house. Bella wanted to assist Esme in the kitchen, but I pulled her out of there, telling her I wanted to give her a little tour before we ate. Esme encouraged her to go, saying she would be fine.

I held Bella’s hand as I showed her the house and we ended up in the family room. I had her sit with me on the piano bench. She said, “Edward, don’t you think we should be getting back?”

I leaned over to her, took her face in my hands, and said, “Please wait just a minute, baby,” and I kissed her on the lips. She blushed. I’m not sure why – maybe she thought someone was going to interrupt us. My fingers left her beautiful face and went to the keys of the baby grand piano, beginning the song I had written specifically for her.

I had practiced this with Esme so many times, I barely needed to look at the keys any longer. I mostly just watched Bella’s face. She stared at me and then down at my fingers as the song played on. When the last note faded away, I asked gently, “So, what did you think?”

She said quietly, “Did you write that for me?”


Then her tears started flowing as she wrapped her arms around my waist. “Oh Edward, that was beautiful! I didn’t know you could play the piano.”

“Well,” I said as I drew her closer to me, “I used to, but I don’t have room in my current apartment for one. So I’ve been coming over here a lot to practice and write this song for you.”

“I love you, Edward. Thank you for something so beautiful as this song. I think when we buy a house, we should make sure we have enough room for a piano,” she said as she smiled through her tears.

I wiped the remaining tears from her eyes and kissed her again. “Agreed,” I said, “but only if we have a permanent space where you can work on those gorgeous scrapbooks for us.” She smiled at me then.

Esme came looking for us then. “I heard it, Edward. It was wonderful! What did you think, Bella?”

Bella smiled and said, “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard!” Esme agreed and they went off, arm in arm, to the kitchen and I went to find Carlisle.

The rest of the day went very well. After we had all sat down to dinner, Carlisle announced, “I have some important news!” We all looked at him expectantly.

“The good news is,” Carlisle continued with a smile, “Edward here will be our new Chief of Medicine beginning February first! Of course, that comes with a bit of bad news – you still have to finish out your current commitments in the ER.”

Congratulations were heard all around the table. Bella was very excited! She squeezed my hand and gave me a small kiss. I knew we would celebrate later.

“Thank you, Carlisle. It will definitely be an honor!” I said.

He said, “I know the Medicine department needs some work, but I think you are the best man for the job. I think you’ll turn it around for the better. Congratulations!” Then he looked at Bella, “You know, my dear, this means you won’t be able to work for me any longer and I’m very sad about that. You have definitely made a big improvement in my office. We will start recruiting for your job on Monday. I’d like you to train the next person.” Bella nodded. She knew all about the conflict of interest it would be if she remained in her current position.

We were stuffed by the time we left the Cullen home, but were loaded down with leftovers. Esme wouldn’t have it any other way.

After arriving back at Bella’s apartment, we placed the leftovers in the refrigerator, undressed, then climbed into bed. We made love slowly, just enjoying each other. Afterward, I whispered into Bella’s hair, “Merry Christmas, love.”

She whispered back, “Merry Christmas, darling Edward,” as she snuggled into her favorite sleeping position curled up next to me and we drifted off to sleep.

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